Once upon a time, wallpaper was the most common material to use when decorating your walls. And, as much as it is still a popular option today, most people tend to opt for paint instead. For this reason, many of our clients have needed to have their old wallpaper removed so that they could make use of the space again, in the ways that they wanted to. That is why, at Orange County Drywall Repair, we are proud to be offering our wallpaper removal service to anyone in Orange County. When you need an old wallpaper removed swiftly and smoothly without causing any damage to the surface below, you’ll be able to count on the skills of our team. Just give us a call and let us know what it is that we can do for you and we would be more than glad to help.
Traditional Wallpaper Removal
Traditional wallpaper is of course made out of different paper variants. This is still a popular choice for wallpaper today and one which many people make use of. And if you have traditional wallpaper that you would like removed, then you might be pleased to hear that it is a very straightforward job. By making use of our wet removal method, we can take down sheets of wallpaper easily. It’ll be quick and smooth, leaving you with the fresh canvas of your drywall or plaster to make use of again.
Vinyl Wallpaper Removal
More commonly today, people are deciding to make use of vinyl wallpaper installations instead of traditional ones. These are definitely more resistant and longer-lasting, and so, it is obvious to see why people are making the switch. However, when it comes to removing these, we will need to take a different approach. But you can bet that we have plenty of experience doing this and so, we can guarantee you nearly as quick of a job, taking care of the removal.
Wet Removal Method
We always apply a wet removal method to wallpaper removal, as this is the thing that will weaken the hold of the adhesive beneath. For traditional wallpaper, this works right away and it can be incredibly easy to tear off sheets of paper and even entire walls at the same time. And, for vinyl wallpaper, this allows us to peel off each sheet one by one, so we can be more accurate and effective. Whatever way, this is a method that we know gets results steadily and gently.
But even though this will be a clean way to remove the paper, it may always leave some marks from the glue or anything else that was behind previously. We know your walls aren’t going to be finished until this is hidden away and that is why we want to help. Our team can bring you the perfect finished product by offering you our painting service, to add the new style and life to your wall that is going to make the difference. Just tell us the perfect new color and we’ll be happy to take care of it.
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